Hormone Replacement Therapy
BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, HRT Programs & Testosterone Optimization In Gainesville, FL
Jennifer Munksgard, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC on how BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy with BioTE can help you feel better and reach your goals.
“Feeling a bit off?” Signs of decreasing hormones as we age can include:
- Lack motivation and feel more tired then usual
Gain weight for no reason- especially belly fat! - Experience mood swings more frequently
- Feel anxious and depressed
- Struggle with brain fog and insomnia
- Wonder why their sexual desire and libido have tapered off, erectile dysfunction
- Sleep problems, night sweats and insomnia

We Do a Full Panel
and Evaluation
Unfortunately, most traditional medical practices don’t take the time to find out WHY patients don’t feel like themselves anymore. We do a full lab panel and evaluation of the common decreasing hormones and treat accordingly. We take time to listen and evaluate the whole person rather than writing prescriptions for antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, sleeping pills and other drugs that simply mask symptoms!
As we age, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone naturally decline over time.
Around age 35, men experience a gradual reduction in testosterone, typically 2 to 10 percent per year.
For women, (even pre-menopause) may start losing testosterone as early as in the 30’s! In fact, often hormone imbalance kicks in long before hot flashes do- by 10 to 15 years!
As a Certified BioTE® Provider, with nearly 2000 insertions and 3 years experience… To Your Health and Wellness Center is proud to offer BioTE Medical’s method of hormone therapy in Chiefland and Gainesville- with flexible scheduling, even on Saturdays!
We also utilize Testosterone shots for male optimization and creams when applicable.
Contact To Your Health and Wellness, LLC to schedule an evaluation and learn how restoring hormones to their optimal level may address specific health concerns.
Bio Identical Hormone Therapy for Men & Women by BioTE and TRT available in Gainesville, Alachua, High Springs, Ft. White, Brandford, Dixie County, Levy County, Gilchrist County, Bell, Trenton, Chiefland, Cedar Key, Central Florida, Atlantic Coast Florida, Gulf Coast Florida