To Your Health and Wellness Lifestyle Intervention Programs (LIPs)

Let’s face it, knowing what to eat and learning HOW to eat well is most people’s biggest challenge when it comes to changing our health and bodies.  It does not matter if your goal is to lose weight, add muscle or manage a health condition.  Eating is something we ALL enjoy, but eating healthy, for some, is a BIG challenge!

At To Your Health and Wellness, we have individual programs, where we treat food as medicine and get you on the path to wellness with a combination of nutritional guidance, lifestyle/habit coaching and personalized medicine.

Did you know that most people eat the same foods over and over again?  Think about what you eat for breakfast every day.  Most likely, you eat the same two, three or four foods every day, over and over again.  We are creatures of habit!  Unfortunately, in our society, our habits may not be healthy ones.

So, when is it time for a change?  Well, it depends.  For some, it is an event coming up and the desire to “look good”.  For others, it is the realization that we are at “the age” where our “seemingly healthy” friends are dying of preventable diseases like heart attacks or strokes. It may be a health care provider prescribing multiple medications for all your health problems, many to counteract a side effect for the one before.   For others, it may be a new baby, and the desire to lead a healthy, long, active life raising that child.  We all have reasons to desire change.  But to do this you have to learn new habits, which can be difficult!  There is so much out there in terms of “do this, and do that”.  Fad diets, miracle supplements, shakes and programs to “get rid of fat fast”.  It is hard to weed through all the information, know what is legit, healthy, sustainable, and be able to make the CHANGE in your lifestyle to avoid bouncing back to bad habits.

That’s where we come in!  Our Lifestyle Intervention Programs (LIPs) are programs that are designed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals to help make healthier habit and choices, and teach you how to maintain them as a lifestyle!

How it works

Our Certified Nurse Practitioner will sit with you and come up with an action plan.  After a full review of your health history, your current lifestyle, YOUR GOALS and desire to change.  We will review (or obtain for a very low cost) laboratory data and other measurable metrics, such as vital signs, weight and body measurements.  We will discuss your current activity level and your abilities.   We take the time with your current provider, likely, just doesn’t have time for! We obtain these metrics as you’ll hear us often talk about and celebrate with you NON-SCALE wins! Weight is only a part of the big picture, but not our focus here!

We make it easy and convenient

Most nutritional or “diet” programs start off with a stack of flyers, handout and blank spreadsheets to make a food diary.  Food journaling can be a daunting task that takes a lot of time.  It becomes like a giant math problem to find foods that will fit your nutritional needs, that won’t put you over your caloric budget for the day.  Our nutrition program provides recommended meal plans, specifically chosen for you, and grocery lists that are designed by licensed dieticians and doctors.  All of our plans are balanced to meet your personal caloric goals and special needs, from macros to allergies.  Whether you prefer to eat organic, have food allergies, want/need a low sodium plan or are aiming to increase your performance in the gym or as an athlete, we have a program for you!

Since mobile technology has made our lives so much more convenient, people desire immediate access to things anytime, anywhere.  Our LIPs nutritional program sends a personalized meal plan and grocery list right to your phone and email.  This way, you ALWAYS have your “list” ready and with you!  You will know what exactly you should be eating to meet your personal health and fitness, if indicated goals.  You can also access your information at home via any internet service.

Features of our LIPs

Here is a list of some of the features available to you through accessing your customized internet or mobile nutrition program:

·        Personalized mobile & web account

·        Meal plans & grocery lists with you always on your mobile device

·        Ability to log eating and exercise activities

·        Food exchanges to account for your likes/preferences/allergies

·        Ability to add custom foods

·        Ability to track your weight, measurements and vital signs

·        Messaging feature for direct access to your provider’

·        Online recipes and recipe creator

At your first visit, we will talk to your about a wide variety of meal program types that have been designed by dieticians and physicians which have been proven in clinical settings for many common diseases or conditions.

Here are a few options as examples:

·        Low Cholesterol/Low Fat

·        Heart Healthy/lowering your blood pressure

·        Stroke Prevention

·        Stable Blood Sugar

·        Paleo

·        Breast Cancer

·        Bone Health

·        Cancer Smart

·        Low Fat/Weight loss

·        Vegetarian/Vegan

·  Mature Woman/Post menopausal hormone balance

·        Hi or Low Glycemic plans

·        Energy Booster

·        Healthy Aging for men and women

·        Performance, body building

·        On-The-Go for busy/traveling frequently

·        Teen Scene

·        Low carb – American, Fast food, Italian and Mexican fiesta

·        Maternity pre & post natal – including “trying to get pregnant” and PCOS.

·        Organic low carb, low fat

·        Kosher low fat

·        Lactose intolerant

·        Mediterranean

·        High Fiber

·        Healthy Soy

·        Asian Explosion

·        Food allergies

·        Detox and Cleanse

·        Post Bariatric (very low calorie diet) VLCDs

·        Childhood Health and Obesity

What happens next after your action plan?

Your LIPs provider will continue to stay in close contact with you and follow up with you on your agreed time frame.  We will monitor your progress and celebrate “non-scale” victories along the way!  We will be your personal cheerleader and biggest fan because we KNOW you can do this!  We help you with the tools you need to get started and to maintain.  We do have prescription medications to use in some cases, as well as will guide you if you need or desire supplements.

Most of all, we WANT you to succeed, and are always a phone call, text or email away! Call today to start your journey or ask your healthcare provider for a referral to our office! (352)363-1034

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